One of the key things to understand where you stand with your finances is to understand the current cashflows, but the one most important thing when it comes to understanding the future trends of finances is your Acumen with investments. For this, we at HappyWise bring you our tool called the Investor Acumen Analyzer.
Give yourself for the next 15 minutes, total space on mind and get answering this test.
Once through you will be asked for the PassKey that one of our HappyWise professionals must have shared with you. Once you are through, stay relaxed as we study your answers and get back to you with complete report on what your test results mean and how they can impact the future of your finances & investment decision making.
Here's how this tool works:
If you were to consider investing in shares, which type of shares would you prefer investing in?
If you had to make an investment decision without consulting anyone, how would you feel?
How would you react if one of your investments decreased from Rs. 1,00,000 to Rs. 70,000?
What's your typical Investment Time Horizon?
What's Your Age Bracket?
Equity assets can counter the erosive impact of inflation but may entail short-term risk. What is your perspective?
Which would you choose - if given the option between a fixed salary and a partially variable one, based on your performance and company profits?
Given the fluctuating nature of interest rates on loans, which loan option would you prefer?
What's your current Income Level?
What is your typical association with the word 'Risk'?
If given a choice between being a salaried employee & running your own business, which option would you choose?
How familiar are you with share markets and stocks as such?
What's your current type of Occupation?
If you assess your investment portfolio, how would you characterise it?
When investing, what initial thought(s) typically crosses your mind?
If the performance of a recent investment falls below your expectations, or results in a loss, how would you react?
What's your Investment Experience in Capital Markets / Stocks / Equity Mutual Funds?
Which risk and return scenario aligns best with your comfort level?
What level of losses are you comfortable within your investments? [Since, investments are always subject to market risk]
After investing, what are your typical feelings like?